Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Immortals (2011)

Ok I'll be honest I watched this because it was free and on Netflix. (Which I highly recommend) Hidden message: Do not pay money to rent this unless you like movies with dull story lines and bad acting. To each thier own. The best parts of the movie are the fight scenes. The CG (computer graphics) is ok to say the least, I mean maybe I am just being nice. The color is deep and saturated attempting a "300" look but not at all achieving it. Like I said the story line is all over the place expecting the audience to follow when there really isn't anything to follow. If you get what I'm saying. I am all for Greek God stories, but this one failed to impress. I could perhaps say the costumes were uh, good?

1 comment:

  1. Aww! You make me sad. But I guess the main reason I liked this movie was because I have a mega-crush on both Henry Cavill and Freida Pinto :)
