Friday, August 9, 2013

Stoker (2013)

Ok we all know why I watched this movie, Nicole Kidman. One of the most versatile actresses of her time. But the film itself was, rather, dull. Playing a widow who just lost her husband in an accident, becomes attracted to her husbands brother. Do not get me wrong I enjoy dark and mysterious story lines, but this one lost my interest. Incredibly slow with a lack of build up. However it managed to make me uncomfortable at times, which isn't always a bad thing. I assume that is exactly what the audience was supposed to feel. Mia Wasikowska, (Burtons - Alice in Wonderland) was not impressive and easily forgettable. Wait what was her name again? Point understood? Kidman's role was eh ok at best. Almost a filler role for her. Now the lead male, Mathew Goode (you probably will not know anything else he is in...) was to me the most interesting character of the movie. Dark, mysterious, handsome,  and above all, creepy. His actions are what kept me interested otherwise, boring. Enjoyed some of the intense color schemes which really accomplished the mood. Not a shocking ending, but did the film justice. At this point I am really just going on about something none of you should or will watch. I was hoping for a good mysterious thriller. Fail.